but have everlasting life
These words speak to us of a promise of deliverance and that to everlasting life. Some will say that God couldn’t let us go to everlasting death/ Hell because he is loving. Yet consider our own tendency for justice, the whole movement of social justice is built upon the premise that justice is important. If Justice is important for us then how much more is it for God our creator? The default is damnation for us because it is just. Some people wonder how a loving God could deny someone entry into heaven and instead let them be tormented in Hell. Yet the question arises: how could a loving God force someone to heaven when for their life they have wanted nothing to do with God?
The promise of God here is that someone who comes to God and “believeth in him (Jesus Christ)” will not perish but will have everlasting life. What an amazing thought, God our creator didn’t leave us dead in our sins, but made a way for everlasting life with him. We are called simply to believe in Jesus, and nothing else. Some may think that its too simple, too easy, where is the justice if someone has done many wrong things yet that is exactly what a loving God offers to all who would believe in Him, will you trust in Jesus and accept the deliverance he offers you?