
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,

Reason 2: We all have a destiny.

These words written to us speak of a destiny that we should not perish. Every people group speaks of destiny. The scientist says he goes nowhere there is no life after death we are just atoms and nothing else, the eastern mystics say we come back as another animal depending on how good we are and yet other people groups say we go to the stars to be with the ancestors. The reality that every cultural group seeks to answer this thought of destiny demonstrates we are all looking for something, we are all going somewhere.

The question is where is your destiny? How sure are you that your Destiny is actually true? Some say that we cannot know. Yet others say it doesn’t matter. It seems truth is cultural, one culture believes we come back as grasshoppers and another believes we go to the stars and wait until our family are present then go off even further what are we to conclude about truth? Truth is not cultural…..

Yet these words speak to us of kindness and grace that we are promised that we should not perish. Amazing words that we have been given, but if we are promised that we should not perish then what Destiny is given instead? They are words of divine grace because the promise of deliverance is contrast to many beliefs is offered to all. Offered to all regardless of past, culture, failure of fault. It is for all and to all. What amazing words of life.

These words are divine because they give us a promise of a destiny that shouldn’t be ours. They give us a destiny of eternal life instead of destruction.

Have you ever wondered why we fear death so much? Have you ever contemplated what it would be like to be on your “death bed”? Many don’t like to talk about these things because of the emotions they bring up, but we must not let our emotions prevent us thinking about these things. I think about it this way, a Dr tells you that one of your organs is diseased and needs to be removed. You can ignore what they have said or you can work through it despite how uncomfortable it feels because its a matter of life and death you can’t ignore it. The amazing reality is that life after death is promised us in these precious words of Christ. The question is will you accept the deliverance God offers us through Christ?

Reason 3: The Deliverance

should not perish,