What does it mean to trust in Jesus?

Mark 1:15 repent ye, and believe the gospel.

What does the term “Trust in Jesus” mean? In the above verse we are given the following words “repent and believe the gospel” which explain what it is to trust in Jesus.

Repent is a term that simply means turn around. A turn around from what some would say? The rest of this verse give us the key “Believe the Gospel”. Put simply it means to turn around from a life that finds answers in man to a life that accepts that only God has the ability to deliver me, from the consequence of my sin, perishing and utter destruction. There are many good works done, and some people struggle to grasp the fact that we all have sin. We all have sin because we all come from the first sinner, Adam. And still some would say they do good and aren’t bad, but God’s standard of sin is not a matter of what I have done, it is a matter of what is in my heart. Sin is the corrupting influence that destroys everything good that we know. Every person that has been born has the same potential to commit evil or immense good. And often people that see others who commit immense good and can’t comprehend how that person could be a sinner, yet they are because they have sin in the heart even though it has not been seen outwardly. Humanities’ biggest problem is the disease of sin on the heart. It is our biggest problem because all actions stem from a diseased heart. The good news is that Jesus came to heal us of our greatest need. His gift to mankind was that we could escape the judgement and experience healing here and now.

Believing the gospel is simple; believe the good news that a loving God does exist and did come to earth to save all who would believe in Him. Can it be that simple? Absolutely yes, that is why it is the gospel, or good news. It is good news because you and I don’t have to do anything to receive the gift of everlasting life, we are called to “repent and Believe the gospel”.